Our goal is to shift the practical business of data analytics from a technical cost center to a culture-driven productivity powerhouse.
Always ask questions and never take assumptions at face value.
What established narratives and assumptions potentially impact analytics outcomes, delivery, and actions?
The data analyst stands between raw data and an assembled narrative; is that narrative truthful and ethical?
Data analytics requires looking at problems and narratives from multiple viewpoints.
Data analytics involves more than tools and pipelines. Data culture is company culture.
Inertia and complacency are powerful forces to overcome. We drive change.
We provide data engineering, integration, analytics, and reporting services directly to clients or through our partner program. Our services are driven by the principles in our Core Commitments statements. While we don’t necessarily do our full assessment process before service delivery in ever instance, every solution is driven by the underlying commitment to a positive data culture.
Data analytics degree and certification programs are more popular than ever. While Kulturata is a business services company, we understand that best practices are instilled early in a data professional’s career. We influence degree and certification programs by way of curriculum design, research, and teaching. Today’s students are tomorrow’s professionals.
In our experience, data, information, truth, and power are all synonymous in any organization. The data professional stands between raw data and the stories that need to be told. Sometimes companies get comfortable with poor data quality or poorly-designed data pipelines. We are not afraid to call those out. This can sometimes upset the status quo. However, if quality data is crucial to driving your business, why wouldn’t you want someone to question a bad way of doing things?
After observing data analytics projects going awry because of similar reasons over and over, Dr. Fowler dedicated his dissertation research to finding a better way. This led to the KDQ framework. It measures an often elusive element that is often dismissed or ignored; that is, culture as a primary driver of the data environment.
Sometimes companies aren’t ready to hear about data culture and analytics success from a new vendor. We have found that working with other consulting and product partners allows us to deliver our solution much more easily. Those partners already have a working relationship with the customer and can help us better understand needs and wants. It also provides an additional value for the partner to add to their solution offerings.
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